To say that we are all racing 2021 to the finish line would probably be putting it lightly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look at 2022 with excitement and anticipation, and enter the new year stronger, more resilient and more prepared than ever before, and this means thinking about and putting together a powerful digital marketing strategy for your business.
Covid- 19 and & Digital Consumption:
It’s no doubt that Covid-19 has had a huge impact on our digital consumption. The usage of digital devices has increased across the globe. Irrespective of age, people are relying on digital platforms now more than ever before; Education, shopping, working, meetings, entertaining and socializing suddenly leapt from offline to online.
Studies have shown that in the past 12 months, the total number of internet users around the world grew by 222 million – that’s more than 600,000 new users each day.
So, if you aren’t fishing for your customers in the digital pond, you’re missing (which could be) the biggest catch. But, how do we maximize the digital pond and get the most bank for our buck?
Pay Per Click Advertising Is Your Friend
One of the most important aspects of a strong digital marketing strategy is incorporating PPC advertising. Like a moth to a flame, when a customer is searching for a certain product or browsing through relevant websites, PPC advertising shines bright.
PPC stands for pay-per-click and works just like the title suggests. Brands can drive traffic to their websites or social media pages by paying for online advertising that only charges when someone physically clicks on the advert.
According to PPC stats, paid advertisements receive 65% of the clicks vs organic results which only receive 35%. The PPC industry is on the rise, and both companies and providers seem to be profiting through it. And you can too.
Here’s how:
5 Simple Steps To Grow Your Business With A Highly Targeted PPC Campaign:
1. Define your goal
Firstly, you need to unpack what you would like your PPC campaign to achieve, which in essence, will define your goal. From deciding on which platforms to use and which ad types to implement, defining your goal will pave the way for the rest of your campaign.
Your goals can range from:
- Generating sales
- Acquiring new leads
- Traffic generation
- Brand awareness
Generating sales and acquiring new leads would entail tracking conversions of sales which take place through your product listing ads or customers taking the step to complete forms for lead generation ads. Other goals such as traffic generation and brand awareness would involve maximizing the reach of your audience.
2. Define your target audience
Ensuring that your campaign reaches the right set of eyes is one of the most vital aspects of your PPC campaign. In order to do this, you need to accurately define your target audience.
There are many ways in which you can define your target audience, but the most important one would be to look at who your existing customers are.
Your existing customers are a reflection of who your target market is and by studying their customer profiles, you can leverage that data by:
- Remarketing to them – encouraging repeat business
- Creating prospecting audiences based on similar traits that have a high likelihood to convert
3. Determine your budget
Luckily with PPC advertising, “Go big or go home” doesn’t apply. You can start with a small investment to test strategies and tactics and scale once you have found the optimal return on your advertising spend. You do need to assess how much you are willing to invest in retaining customers and it’s important to evaluate the maximum cost per acquisition required to remain profitable.
4. Think About your messaging and ad “language”
As a customer, there is no greater disappointment than clicking on a misleading advert. It reeks of false advertising and deception.
As a business, you need to make sure your ads meet the expectations of your potential customers by having a consistent message on the landing page. The landing page needs to “marry” the content of the ad by addressing the needs of the user and providing them with more information. For example, someone searching to buy a pair of Nike Air Max, would expect to see the description, sizes, price, and images of the product.
Close the loop on the consumer journey by including a simple call to action such as “buy now” and “sign up for more information” to instruct the users on how to complete the transaction.
5. Analyze to optimize
Analyzing your campaign in real-time will help you to improve the engagement of the ads and drive more conversions. By constantly monitoring the below campaign variables / key performance indicators, you will be able to optimize your campaign in order to yield the best results.
- The click-through rate (CTR) indicates how your audience reacted to the content of your ad and whether it was relevant to their needs.
- Determine the ideal cost per click (CPC) you are willing to pay to get your ad seen.
- Evaluate the cost per acquisition (CPA) and return on ad spend (ROAS) to determine the effectiveness of your investment.
Website analytics will also help track your customer’s journey on your website and their engagement with your digital campaigns. Analyzing both the campaign results and website data will help determine which channels and campaigns are performing well to further optimize the campaign and to adjust the budget.
Whilst still remaining true to a company’s offering, simply put, PPC advertising helps businesses dangle their bait in the most alluring and attractive way, in order to get that bite of the hook.
This is where we can help you grow. As experts in the field of PPC and with a strong core value of giving personal attention to our clients, we are able to set up and run your campaigns at an optimal level, and give relevant insights in order for you to achieve your business goals and objectives.
Let us help you prosper. Get in touch with us.